Welcome to BNI Bank

A modern, agile and close to its clients Bank, focusing on professional relations in the Retail and in the Corporate universe. Always pursuing a rigorous approach in the expenses and capital management.

Our values are customer focused and have their needs in consideration, as a repayment for the trust they have deposited in us, for the precision acting with ethics, responsibility and professionalism, for the Innovation creating new products and services and for the Teamwork in the respect for people and in the responsibility sharing.

We are committed to contributing to the common good by participating in the construction of a more righteous and solidary world.

We invite you to discover BNI Bank, which completed 9 years in November 2015 and that is increasingly closer to you with 91 Branches in 15 Regions.


Mário A. Palhares

President of the Board Directors




BNI wants to be a model of financial sustainability, operational efficiency and image in the national and international market.

We aim to contribute to the success of our Customers, Shareholders and Employees initiatives by offering innovative and competitive solutions. Expand our activities to new business segment by establishing strong partnerships.


We are a benchmark bank in Angola. We have an in-depth knowledge of the financial sector and of the markets in which we operate. We create values for our Customers, Partners, Shareholders and Employees by offering innovative Products and Services, guiding us through high standards of conduct and corporate principles of transparency and precision.


Customers Focus – We create products focused on our customers needs, showing total commitment in exceeding their expectations, assuring their satisfaction and loyalty;

Trust – Our customers are the most important asset. We developed relationships with future based on trust, corporate sustainability, confidentiality and transparency;

Precision – We perform with ethics, conscience, responsibility and professionalism;

Innovation – We are dedicated to innovation, persisting in the creation of new tools, methodologies, products and services that put us at the forefront of the Angolan and International financial market;

Teamwork – We respect people. We share the responsibility of improving our performance in order to achieve the set goals, for the success of all.


Our Hostory

Banco de Negócios Internacional, S.A. (BNI) obtained authorization from BNA for its incorporation on December 27, 2005, and was constituted by public deed on February 2, 2006 in the Notarial Office of Luanda. It was published in Diário da Replública no. 35, III series of March 20, 2006, being holder of the tax number 5401144075, registered with the Commercial Registry of Luanda under no. 117-06.

After completing the legal requirements, it obtained the respective License by BNA on February 20, 2006, with registration no. 0052.

First it was constituted with the Capital Stock of AOA 1,606,960,400.00 having in 2014 carried out a capital increase that is fully subscribed and performed in the amount of AOA 14,642,808,296.30 represented by 2,000,000 of nominative shares, with a nominal value each of AOA 14,642,808.